What We Believe....

The Spirit of God is calling Frazer Mennonite Church to embody and give witness to practicing our unity in Jesus Christ in the midst of our diversity within the congregation, in our conference / denomination relationships, and in the world.

Vision Statement

Frazer Mennonite Church is a compassionate community walking with Christ toward peace and wholeness.

Mission Statement

Our restored relationship with God through our faith in Jesus Christ takes us on a journey together to discover God’s way of living life with fullness. Acceptance of this journey challenges us to grow in our understanding of God’s way through the conflicts, suffering, and disappointments we experience together. The grace of God is central to the discovery of this fullness. God’s grace means that God accepts us as we are.

God loves us unconditionally. We demonstrate our acceptance of God’s love by confronting our weaknesses, sharing our needs, and acknowledging our brokenness. By being vulnerable before God and others, we experience a sense of belonging that brings the wholeness we value. As we live this out in our own lives, we encourage others in the church on the same journey of wholeness. Wholeness is the transformation of who we are into the likeness of Christ. when we are able to accept that we are imperfect, yet loved creations, we are better able to extend God’s grace to those around us. This inward then outward rhythm of grace is what keeps our community walking with Christ toward peace and wholeness.

We believe that we can best extend God’s grace through living out the following three strengths of our congregation:


Frazer Mennonite Church is a place to feel accepted where you are encouraged to glimpse the possibilities of seeing yourself as God sees you; a beloved creation being molded into the likeness of Christ.


Frazer Mennonite Church is a place designed to connect you the God and others in ways that address your deepest needs and encourage maturity and growth in your relationships with God and others.


Frazer Mennonite Church is a place to experience God’s love and the compassion of others to bring healing to the pain we carry.