Frazer’s ministries of Peace, Justice, and Outreach are how we share the good news of Christ with the world around us. As followers of Jesus, and specifically as Mennonites, we want everything that we do to communicate Christ’s love for all people. Our ministries of Peace, Justice, and Outreach are some of the most important ways that we focus externally; we look outside of our walls, both physical and metaphorical, and seek to interact with the world around us. By doing this, we hope to build mutually transformative relationships with our neighbors near and far. Some of the ministries included in this area are:

Ploughshares Garden
A community garden started by FMC in the spring of 2008 on our church property. The goal was to create a place where local community members could connect with one another and with God’s creation and also grow affordable healthy food. Since then, the garden has continued to grow and has recently added plots specifically growing food for the Chester County Food Bank.

Safe Harbor
Providing meals and food to a local emergency shelter that cares for the needs of homeless men and women.
Various Broader Ministries supported by our FMC budget:

Mennonite Central Committee
Mennonite Central Committee shares God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice.

Eastern Mennonite Missions
Eastern Mennonite Missions workers share the good news of Jesus and His kingdom in many ways, including business for transformation, ministry to children at risk, discipleship training, education, health and community development, hospitality, international partnerships, leadership training, Muslim ministry, care for the persecuted church, pioneer witness, and relief.

Mennonite Mission Network
Mennonite Mission Network is a mission agency of Mennonite Church USA.

Corinthian Plan
Corinthian Plan is mutual aid for Mennonite pastors’ health insurance.