The Worship Experience at Frazer Mennonite Church

Worship is an informal and intimate experience. People of all ages are involved in leading various elements of our worship service. Children are welcome to be present and to participate in the worship service. A weekly time for Caring and Sharing allows us to bear one another’s burdens and share in one another’s joys.

Scripture is read from the New Revised Standard Version, but sometimes from The Message by Eugene Petersen or the New International Version. Every Sunday, we listen for the living word of God from these readings. The Pastor usually shares a message focused on these scriptures and related to our contemporary lives.

Music is an important part of Frazer worship. We sing a mixture of hymns and contemporary songs from Hymnal: Voices Together. Our musical styles vary from a cappella four-part singing to modern hymns accompanied by guitar or piano.

Communion is celebrated together once a month, usually on the third Sunday. We welcome all to the table to eat and drink the gifts of life that Jesus offered. Grapes are provided for children to enjoy. Gluten-free bread is provided.

Child Friendly
Not only are children welcome in our worship service, they are also invited to participate in singing, reading scripture, collecting the offering and more. Children’s worksheets, offering activities related to the scripture or theme for the morning, are provided for children. In addition, worship bags for younger children are provided in the back of the sanctuary.

You can expect to be personally greeted and welcomed to worship by the greeter and others. Most services include a time to stand and pass the peace to those around you. A 15-20 minute coffee and fellowship time following the worship service allows more time for conversation and getting to know one another. At the same time, children have their own snack and fellowship time downstairs.

Casual and comfortable dress is the norm, but a variety of styles can be seen any given Sunday morning. So feel free to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable for worship.